American Indian Law and Literature: Day Two

American Indian Law and Literature
Fourth Annual Indigenous Law Conference
Michigan State University College of Law
October 18 & 20, 2007

9:00-10:30 a.m.   Raymond Kiogima, Larry Plamondon, Hon. JoAnne Gasco & Margaret Noori, “Kinship as Action:  Anishinaabe Relationships from a Linguistic Perspective”

10:45-12:15 p.m.   Bruce Duthu, “Bear Narratives:  Blending Cultural and Legal Voices in Defense of the Bear”
                                     Melissa Tatum, “The Role of Narrative in Defining Cultural Property”
                                     Kirsten Carlson, “Unresolved Disputes:  Narratives in the Transformation and Processing of Persistent Claims”

12:30-2:00 p.m.     David Carlson, The Pragmatics of Literary Nationalism
                                     Amelia Katanski, “Writing the Living Law:  American Indian Literature as Legal Narrative”
                                     Jennifer Camden & Kate Fort, “Cooper’s The Pioneers & Johnson v. M’Intosh:  Legal Fictions of 1823”
                                     Stuart Rieke & Monique Vondall-Rieke, “Perceptions of Restorative Justice:  A Winter’s Tale, A Jury of Her Peers, and Shamengwa”