Politics of Identity & Inclusion, Managing Diversity in Plural Societies – Hong Kong

The Centre for Comparative and Public Law, University of Hong Kong, presents Recognition and the Politics of Identity and Inclusion in the 21st Century: Managing Diversity in Plural Societies, April 28-29, 2011.

Migration has generated an increasingly borderless world which has challenged the nation-state model as an effective tool for the governance of multiplicities and the management of diversity. As the nation-state is faced with the challenge of dealing with immigrants, non-nationals, refugees and others with newly emerging identities, there is a need to reassess existing frameworks for recognition of the claims of minority communities.  The conference seeks to explore the changing dimensions of the politics of identity and inclusion and their implications for governance and the protection of minority communities in plural societies.  The conference intends to forge new synergies between disciplines and will draw on the concepts of equality, non-discrimination, identity, inclusion, minority rights and human rights to address the comprehensive challenges posed by life at the margins of society.

For further information and conference registration, please visit: http://www.law.hku.hk/diversity/ or contact Ms. Claire Hussin (diversity.hku@gmail.com). mw