Leonardo Da Vinci Fellowships for Intellectual Property Research — George Mason

Center for the Protection of Intellectual Property, George Mason

The Center for the Protection of Intellectual Property (CPIP) at George Mason University School of Law announces the Leonardo Da Vinci Fellowship program and calls for proposals for researching and writing on topics within intellectual property (IP) law. “CPIP is a new academic center dedicated to the scholarly analysis of IP rights and of the technological, commercial and creative innovation they facilitate. Through its annual conferences, roundtables, scholarship grants, fellowship programs and other academic and policy events, CPIP promotes

Proposed research topics can be in any IP or IP-related field, such as patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, right of publicity, etc. The research proposals can address any topic or issue within these fields, providing economic, philosophical, historical, scientific, or doctrinal analysis, among others.

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Any scholar may apply for a Leonardo Da Vinci Fellowship, as they are not restricted to full-time, tenure-track or tenured law professors. Since CPIP is dedicated to the scholarly analysis of IP rights, it will provide funding to professors in any field or to individuals working outside of official academic institutions who can provide scholarly analyses. For instance, graduate students, VAPs, policy analysts at a think tank, or lawyers aspiring to become academics may apply for a Leonardo Da Vinci Fellowship.

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Grant amounts will be in the four- to five-figure range.

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To apply for a Leonardo Da Vinci Fellowship, applicants should email their proposals to: scholar@gmu.edu. All proposals will be treated confidentially.

Deadline. There is no deadline, as proposals will be accepted for review by the Grant Committee on a rolling basis. However, the Grant Committee expects to meet to make the first round of grants shortly after April 20, 2013, so scholars with current proposals are encouraged to submit by that date to receive prompt consideration.

Hat tip: IP and IT Conferences. mw