Call for Papers: The Second Draft

Legal Writing Institute (LWI)

The Second Draft invites articles for its Fall 2016 issue: Beating the Curve: A Comparative Analysis of Legal Writing Programs and Pedagogies.

The increasing emphasis on experiential learning and practical skills presents legal research and writing programs and professors with an exciting opportunity to be leaders in legal education reform. As the law school curriculum develops, it is important to consider the diverse approaches that different professors and programs take, both new and longstanding. Thus, in this issue of The Second Draft, we invite you to showcase the best practices and innovative approaches that set your program and your pedagogy apart.

Deadline: March 14, 2016. Email a Word version to theseconddraftlwi[@] We envision articles ranging in length from 500 to 3,000 words but are open to considering articles of any length. To help us keep track of submissions, please use the following convention for the subject line of your email: Name, Article Submission, Issue, and Year (e.g., “Jane Doe Article Submission Fall 2016 Issue”). Please contact the Editorial Board via email at theseconddraftlwi[@] if you have any questions or concerns. We look forward to reviewing your submissions.

About the author

Reference Librarian, Moritz College of Law, The Ohio State University