CFP: Forced Migration Review – Return

Forced Migration Review

Forced Migration Review (FMR) invites papers for its October 2019 issue, on Return. The submission deadline is June 17, 2019. For details, see the call for papers.

As one of the three ‘durable solutions’, voluntary return in safety and dignity has been a core tenet of the international refugee regime since the signing of the 1951 Refugee Convention, and is also reaffirmed in the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement. Voluntary return may be spontaneous or it may be organised by the international community; some cases of return, however, may be more problematic, and controversially less ‘voluntary’ than the term would imply. Only limited numbers of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) have access to integration and settlement elsewhere (the other two traditional durable solutions), or indeed to other complementary pathways to protection. As a result, the impetus to encourage or enforce return will remain high.

About the author

Reference librarian, University of Washington School of Law