Monthly Archives: February 2009

February 27th Colloquia/Workshops

Florida        Philip J. Weiser (Colorado Law), Ending the Reign of Chaos and Disorder at the FCC: Strategies for Institutional Reform Georgia International Law        David Zaring (Penn Business), Why…

February 27th Colloquia/Workshops

Florida        Philip J. Weiser (Colorado Law), Ending the Reign of Chaos and Disorder at the FCC: Strategies for Institutional Reform Georgia International Law        David Zaring (Penn Business), Why…

February 26th Colloquia/Workshops

Boston College       Leandra Lederman (Indiana Law), W(h)ither Economic Substance Brooklyn Law      Michael S. Kang (Emory Law), Voting as Veto Columbia        Scott Hemphill (Columbia Law), An Aggregate Approach to Antitrust:…

February 26th Colloquia/Workshops

Boston College       Leandra Lederman (Indiana Law) Brooklyn Law        Michael S. Kang (Emory Law), Voting as Veto Columbia        Scott Hemphill (Columbia Law), An Aggregate Approach to Antitrust: Using New…

February 25th Colloquia/Workshops

Connecticut        Daphne Barak-Erez (Tel Aviv Law), The Institutional Aspects of Comparative Law Emory       Susan Bandes (DePaul Law) Florida State        Hope Babcock (Georgetown Law) Georgetown Law and Philosophy       …

February 25th Colloquia/Workshops

Connecticut        Daphne Barak-Erez (Tel Aviv Law), The Institutional Aspects of Comparative Law Emory       Susan Bandes (DePaul Law) Florida State        Hope Babcock (Georgetown Law) Georgetown Law and Philosophy       …

February 24th Colloquia/Workshops

Chicago Law and Politics        Matthew Adler (Penn Law), Well-being and Equity: A ‘Prioritarian’ Framework for Policy Analysis Columbia 10-10 Workshop        Katharina Pistor (Columbia Law), Governing Finance Kansas       …

February 24th Colloquia/Workshops

Chicago Law and Politics        Matthew Adler (Penn Law), Well-being and Equity: A ‘Prioritarian’ Framework for Policy Analysis Columbia 10-10 Workshop        Katharina Pistor (Columbia Law) Kansas        Annecoos Wiersema…

February 23rd Colloquia/Workshops

 Columbia Law and Economics        Richard Craswell (Stanford Law), When is a Willful Breach “Willful”? The Link Between Definitions and Damages Georgia       Al Brophy (North Carolina Law) Georgia State…

February 23rd Colloquia/Workshops

 Columbia Law and Economics        Richard Craswell (Stanford Law), When is a Willful Breach “Willful”? The Link Between Definitions and Damages Georgia       Al Brophy (North Carolia Law) Georgia State…