Call for Papers: Journal of Policy Analysis and Management

The Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (JPAM) invites papers for a symposium on Empirical Strategies in International Development Research.

Since the end of World War II, hundreds of billions of dollars have been invested directly by developed country governments, or indirectly via multilateral institutions, to promote economic development in the Global South….Yet, the results of these resource flows have been variable, at best, and discouraging, at worst. An important reason behind “aid fatigue” is the belief that resource transfers via foreign aid have insufficiently achieved their goal: to promote economic development.

[I]n the last two decades scholars have pioneered new empirical techniques to address these problems. These include the use of randomized field experiments and sophisticated econometric techniques. This JPAM symposium seeks to assess as well as showcase cutting edge empirical work in this vein. We invite papers that explore how the efficacy of different types of interventions in different types of institutional and social settings and targeted at different audiences might be assessed in relation to well specified development objectives. We invite both original papers as well as papers which coherently weave together extant work.

Deadline: July 1, 2013
