Calls for Papers: European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review

The European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review welcomes articles, annotations of judgments, country reports and book reviews from the academia as well as the practice for its upcoming issues.

After seven years of successfully covering the evolution of PPPs, the EPPPL has since 2012 broadened its focus to legal and policy issues raised by Procurement.

Facing severe budgetary restraints, the modern State has to balance rising demands for transparency and accountability in its economic intervention with the necessity to deliver public services efficiently. Procurement procedures and PPPs are two major legal and policy instruments of public sector management which provide for the procedural and substantive interactions necessary to meet this challenge.

Deadlines for submissions to various issues are as follows:

  • For the EPPPL issue with a focus on Contract Execution: Management and  Audit: October 7, 2013
  • For the EPPPL issue with the focus on The Reform of the EU Procurement  Directives: January 13, 2014
