Global Law and Its Exceptions – Seattle, WA

The University of Washington School of Law presents Global Law and Its Exceptions: Globalization, Legal Transplants, Local Reception and Resistance Feb. 25, 2011.

The symposium will explore the idea that there is emerging in almost every field a core of law which we can call “Global Law” which is influencing domestic legal evolutions in particular ways. At the same time, there are areas of law which have traditionally staved off “global influences” such as family law which appear to be fair game in this round of “Global Law.” This symposium will consider this emerging “Global Law”, what is driving it and how the new phase of globalization of law is transforming legal education, practice and legal doctrines.

Presentations will address the globalization of law and economic development, constitutional law, corporate law, international law, human rights law, environmental law, and family law. mw