Call for Papers Deadline: Multinational Corporations’ Industrial Liability in Third World

The Indian Yearbook of International Law and Policy is currently soliciting submissions for its second issue due to be published in April, 2011. The Yearbook focus this year is on the Industrial Liability Rules for Multi National Corporations in Third World Countries. We welcome submissions from academics, practitioners, policymakers and students from within the legal community and have a strong preference for articles that are not descriptive but prescriptive and argumentatively focused. The submissions will go through a two-staged peer review process and if necessary, will also be edited by the Editorial Board. Please send in your submissions by January 2, 2011 under the categories mentioned below. For general queries relating to your submissions, see the ‘Note to Authors’ below or kindly write to us at: [at]

The INDIAN YEARBOOK of INTERNATIONAL LAW AND POLICY is a peer-reviewed academic publication and aims to provide a forum for the publication of articles in the field of international law, written primarily by experts from the region and elsewhere. The Yearbook seeks to provide an intellectual platform for the discussion and dissemination of Indian views and practices on contemporary international legal issues. It also seeks to encourage interest in all matters relating to international law, exploring new avenues and approaches to its study and has been envisaged as a response to the longstanding demand for the documentation of national practice and policy related to international law.


Submissions may be made under the following categories :
• Articles: 8000-12000 words,
• Comments/Notes: 4000-7000 words,
• Case Comments: 3500-8000 words,
• Book Reviews: 2000-4000 words


The prescribed word limits are inclusive of footnotes and submissions are expected to conform to length policy and the guidelines listed below. Kindly go through them carefully before mailing your submissions. We promptly acknowledge the receipt of submissions and a decision on publication takes a minimum of around 4-6 weeks.

General Terms of Publication
• Papers submitted to the Journal will be considered on the basis that they are the original work of the named author(s) and have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere, unless this has been brought expressly to the attention of the Editors.
• Submission implies that all authors are in agreement about the content of the manuscript and its submission to the Journal. Responsibility of the factual accuracy of a paper rests entirely with the author(s). Authors are responsible for the accuracy of quotations and for supplying complete and correct references.
• After the manuscript is submitted it will undergo the process of peer review through which the accuracy, quality and relevance of the text will be evaluated.
• The issue is out in print within three months of a decision to publish. Requests for expedited reviews can be forwarded to the Editorial Board when the submission is being considered for publication by other journals. Please mention the name of the journal for which your article is in consideration, one contact person in the Editorial Board of that journal and a date by which you expect our response.

Alterations and Revisions
If the Editors are of the opinion that an article accepted for publication needs minor revisions – including minor shortening, correction of errors in punctuation, spelling and style – such proposed changes will be made by the Editors and will not be resubmitted to the author for approval prior to publication if they do not alter the meaning or sense of the original manuscript, such to the discretion of the Editors.

Authors may be requested to resubmit their manuscript. (Re)submission of a manuscript does not automatically entail a guarantee of publication.

It is understood that the contributor(s) shall be responsible for the proofreading – within the period mentioned in the instructions accompanying the proofs – of his/her/their own contribution. At this stage, only minor corrections will be allowed unless the author has found serious errors impacting the scientific content of the article. Should the contributor(s) fail to do so, the Editors shall assume responsibility for prompt and proper correction.


• Contact Address: Submissions are to be made in electronic form and should be sent to the following e-mail address- [at]
• Format: The documents must be in MS Word 2003 (.doc) format. All submissions must be double-spaced in Times New Roman. Main text should be in font size 12 and footnotes in font size 10.
• Deadline: The Editorial Board has set January 2, 2011 as the deadline for accepting contributions for the 2011 volume.
• Abstract: Each contribution is expected to be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 350 words and a declaration to the effect that it has not been published, submitted, or accepted for publication elsewhere.


• Language: The contributor is responsible for the linguistic acceptability of the manuscript.
• Spelling: Either British or American spelling is acceptable as long as it is consistent throughout the article. The Oxford English Dictionary and the New Oxford American Dictionary are acceptable sources for spelling, as long as the author(s) is/are consistent with his/her/their usage.
• Font Size and Type: All submissions should be written in Times New Roman, 12 pt font size and should have double line spacing.
• Paragraphs: All paragraphs are to be justified. No indent should be inserted at the beginning of the paragraphs. A blank line should separate the paragraphs of the same section. Two blank lines should separate the main heading (not the subheadings) from the previous paragraph but a single blank line should separate that heading from the following paragraph.
• Footnotes: All references and citations should be listed in footnotes by use of Arabic numerals. Endnotes, a separate bibliography or reference list are not allowed. All references should be spelt out in full at first mention; subsequent mentions of the citation can be abbreviated. Footnotes should be written in Times New Roman, 10 pt font size and should have single line spacing. Footnotes should be justified.
• Italics: Use italics for the following:
? The names of cases, e.g. Golder case, Nicaragua judgment, Pinochet decision.
? Short foreign phrases, names or individual words, e.g. Cour de Cassation, lex specialis but common Latin abbreviations or words commonly used in the following should not be italicised, including cf., e.g., ad hoc, i.e., per se.
? Words or phrases which the author wishes to emphasise. Emphasis added by the author in a quoted passage should be explained in the corresponding footnote, with (emphasis added).

• Abbreviations
? Generally, abbreviations should be followed by a full stop e.g., applic., doc., no., cf., para(s)., Res., vol(s)., art(s)..
? However, acronyms do not have full stops e.g., UN, US, WHO, ECHR, OCHA, ILC.
? Abbreviations for expressions, institutions or treaties may be used, but should be introduced when first appearing, e.g. International Military Tribunal of Nuremberg (IMT) or the Charter of the United Nations (hereinafter ‘the Charter’).

• Punctuation
? Quotations: Use double inverted commas; only use single quotation marks for quotes within quotes. Quotations counting 40 words or more should be displayed in indented form on both sides (1 cm), separate paragraph, single spaced and without quotation marks; while shorter ones should be retained (with quotation marks) within the body of the text. Punctuation should be placed outside the quotation mark, unless it needs to remain inside to reflect the original meaning of the text.
? Footnote numbers should be placed after the punctuation mark.
? Omission of words in quotations: three full stops in square brackets […] should be used to indicate an omission of words in a quotation.
? Hyphens joining composite words should be short and with no space before or after the hyphen. M-dashes (i.e. long dashes) should be used as a punctuation device, with a space on either side.

? Commas: use a comma before ‘and’ when listing three or more items (e.g. ‘this, that, and the other’).
? Parentheses: generally, authors should use single (parentheses) for all remarks and explanations in the text and in footnotes. However, [brackets] should be used for modifications and explanatory remarks within quoted passages.
? Dates should be written as follows: 1 January 2010.

• Use of Capital Letters
? In headings, e.g., (a) The Principle of Distinction.
? In acronyms, e.g., ICRC.
? In quoted titles of books, articles and legal materials, e.g., Additional Protocol I.
? In other cases, when speaking of specific acts, organs, etc., e.g., Article 5, the Rome Statute, the International Court of Justice, Resolution 1455. However, capital letters should not be used when the reference is not to a specific document, article, tribunal, etc.
? The word ‘State’ should be capitalised.
? Capitalise people’s titles, e.g., ‘Francis Deng is Special Adviser to the Secretary-General for the Prevention of Genocide.’

• Figures: In principle, all figures are published in greyscale, not in colour, so please make sure to supply all figures in black and white.
• Title: The main title must be centred, Bold, 20 pt font size, Times New Roman and in small capitals.
• Headings and Subheadings
I. HEADING (14 pt, bold, Times New Roman, Small capitals, Centred)
A. FIRST SUBHEADING (12 pt, bold, italics, Times New Roman, Small Capitals, Left aligned)
1. Second Subheading (12 pt, italics, Times New Roman, Left aligned)
(a) Third Subheading (12 pt, Times New Roman, Left aligned)
(i) Fourth Subheading (12 pt, Times New Roman, Left aligned)

• First page: The first page should have the title (as stated above), name of author(s) (12 pt, Garamond, Bold, Right aligned) and abstract (11 pt, Times New Roman, Italicized, double line spacing, Indented 1 cm on both sides). A single blank line should separate each of these sections. Two blank lines must separate the abstract from the body text.
• References and Citations: Contributors are requested to adhere to the latest edition of the Harvard Blue Book. [The Blue Book: A Uniform System of Citation (Harvard Law Review Ass’n et al. eds., 18th ed. 2005]. All citations and notes are to be shown as footnotes.

For any queries relating to the theme or the structure of your submissions or any general queries relating to the journal, please contact us at [at]