Call for Papers Deadline: Law, Morality and Democracy – Frankfurt am Main

Goethe-Universität hosts XXV. World Congress of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy Aug. 15-20, 2011 in Frankfurt am Main.

Included will be the workshop “Law, Morality and Democracy: The legacy of Carlos S. Nino,” which has a call for papers.

The deadline for abstracts is Feb. 28, 2011.

Carlos S. Nino (Buenos Aires, Argentina 1943- La Paz, Bolivia 1993) was one of the most influential legal philosophers and public intellectuals in the past century. His ideas are worldwide recognise and his work is continuously translated into different languages, such as Italian, Portuguese and Chinese.

Throughout his short but intensive academic life, he published several books and articles related to legal education, legal theory, criminal law, political philosophy, constitutional law and moral philosophy. Above everything, he wrote some classic pieces of constitutional interpretation, presidentialist government, transitional justice, human rights and deliberative democracy.

His sudden death left many young researchers without the opportunity of meeting him. But this was not a reason to move him from the scene of politics and academic research; his influence, through his books, papers, conferences, students or academic histories, is still part of the present. That is the reason why we would like to assemble all kind of researchers -seniors and juniors- in any field, that are related and interested –or simply curious- in some aspect of his vast literature. Our purpose is to show the relevancy (relevance) of Nino’s thoughts today. In addition, the huge fields of law and morality in which Nino has extensively worked, prevent us from being restrictive in the possible topics of the workshop.

We would be delighted to discuss in depth every aspect of Nino’s legacy, giving to a public intellectual an academic tribute.

Submission Guidelines:

1. Submission deadline for abstracts (300 words max.) and CV’s: February 28, 2011

2. Submission deadline for first drafts of accepted papers: May 30, 2011

Submit abstract (with Word attachment, Garamond 12; A4; 1,5 line spacing) and CV by email to organizers.

Organizers: Lucas Arrimada (University of Buenos Aires-CONICET)
  Gustavo Beade (University of Kiel-DAAD)
  lucasarrimada (at)
  gustavo.beade (at)