Call for Papers Deadline: Human Rights Protection and Criminal Justice in the Age of Crisis – Cork, Ireland

The Centre for Criminal Justice and Human Rights at University College Cork is pleased to announce its fifth Annual Postgraduate Conference which will take place on Thursday, 28th April, 2011. The conference is aimed at those who are undertaking postgraduate research in the areas of criminal law, criminal justice and human rights. The Organising Committee is particularly eager to incorporate multi-disciplinary perspectives. Abstracts are welcome from scholars from disciplines outside of law (such as politics, social studies, sociology and philosophy, for example) who are working on related topics.The theme for this year’s event is “Human Rights Protection and Criminal Justice in the Age of Crisis”. The aim is to reflect upon the impact of crises on fundamental rights protection and the criminal law. We hope that this theme will encourage debate on the challenging and complex questions which arise in turbulent times. We are especially interested in papers that relate to human rights, criminal justice, criminal law or the intersection of these fields. However, we also welcome papers dealing with issues outside these areas that fall within the broader theme of the conference. Papers will be streamed thematically. Anticipated sessions include “Contemporary Discourse in Criminal Law“, “Civil Liberties, Technology and State Security Claims” and “International Law, Human Rights and Development Policy“. Session titles will be finalised based on submissions, and the Committee also invites proposals for additional streams.This international one-day event has attracted promising research scholars from Ireland, the UK and Europe in the areas of law, politics, philosophy and the related social sciences. This year’s conference aims to build on this success.

Details of the keynote speaker will follow shortly.

Please submit an abstract (max. 300 words) to the organising committee by Friday 18th February 2011. Successful conference submissions will be notified by Friday, 4th March 2011. Submissions and further enquiries should be directed to ucclawconf [at]

Note from Legal Scholarship Blog: I apologize for not getting this posted until Feb. 20 — the conference organizers sent the call for papers to us on Feb. 1, but we didn’t keep up with the inbox. If you have a topic in mind, I suggest you write to the organizers immediately. Perhaps they will consider late submissions. — Mary Whisner

Update (Feb. 21, 2011):  The deadline has been extended to March 4, 2011.