February 24, 2011 Colloquia/Workshops


William Simon (Columbia Law) and Charles Sabel (Columbia Law) present “Contextualizing Regimes: Institutionalization as a Response to the Limits of Interpretation and Policy Engineering.”

This paper is not available through the Social Science Research Network, but may be obtained from Columbia’s site here.

Loyola Chicago

Stephanos Bibas (Penn Law) presents “Returning Power to the Public in a Lawyer-Driven System.

This paper is not publicly available.

University of St. Thomas

Mary Szto (Hamline Law, visiting St. Thomas Law) presents “Strengthening the Rule of Virtue and Finding Chinese Law in ‘Other’ Places: Gods, Kin, Guilds, and Gifts.

This paper is publicly available.


John Brewer (California Institute of Technology History and Literature)

Stanford Law and Economics

Richard McAdams (Chicago Law) presents “Punitive Police? Agency Costs, Law Enforcement, and Criminal Procedure.”

This paper is not publicly available.

SMU Dedman

Jane C. Ginsburg (Columbia Law)

Virginia Law and Economics

Alan Schwartz (Yale Law)