November 16, 2011 Colloquia/Workshops


Linda C. Fentiman (Pace Law)

Boston College Legal History Roundtable

Aniceto Masferrer (Valencia Law) presents “The Principle of Legality and Codification in the 19th-Century Western Criminal Law Reform.”

This paper is not publicly available.

ETH Zurich

Pierre Larouche (Tilburg Law) presents “Cloud Computing in the EU Policy Sphere.”

This paper is publicly available.

Florida State

Nelson Tebbe (Brooklyn Law)

Harvard International Law

Katerina Linos (UC Berkeley Law) presents “Legislative Borrowing.”

This paper is not publicly available.


Julie Macfarlane (Windsor Law) presents “Islamic Divorce in North America: A Shari’s Path in a Secular Society.”

This paper is not publicly available.

USC Law, History and Culture

Anne Dailey (Connecticut Law) presents “The Psychodynamics of Surrogacy.”

This paper is not publicly available.

Washington University

Sarah Barringer Gordon (Penn Law) presents “The Landscape of Faith: Disestablishment During and After the Revolution.”

This paper is not publicly available.