November 30, 2011 Colloquia/Workshops


Robert Heverly (Albany Law)


Michael Borden (Cleveland-Marshall Law)

Connecticut Law

Sergio Campos (Miami Law) presents “Class Action Certification.”

This paper is not publicly available.

ETH Zurich

Andrei Hagiu (Harvard Business) presents “Multi-Sided Platforms.”

This paper is not publicly available.

Harvard International Law

Naz Modirzadeh (Harvard Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research) presents “Folk UHL: 9/11 Lawyering and the Transformation of LOAC to Human Rights and Human Rights to War Governance.”

This paper is not publicly available.


David A. Friedman (Willamette Law) presents “The Public Policy Defense to COntracts: How Unruly is the Horse?

This paper is not publicly available.

Texas Law, Business, and Economics

Steve Shavell (Harvard Law) presents “Subsidiary Entities and the Innovator’s Dilemma.”

This paper is not publicly available.

UC Berkeley Law and Economics

Ian Ayres (Yale Law) presents “An Economic Theory of Information Escrows.”

This paper is not publicly available.