Call for Papers Deadline: International Conference on Contracts – San Diego, CA

The Thomas Jefferson School of Law hosts the 7th Annual International Conference on Contracts March 2-3, 2012. Proposals and participation requests are due Dec. 23, 2011.

Call For Papers and Panels: We invite paper, presentation and panel proposals exploring any aspect of contract law, theory and policy. The topic range is deliberately broad to permit an as full as possible exploration of contractual themes. Past programs have thus included panels on “traditional” contracts topics (e.g. remedies, formation, defenses, etc), on contract-related subjects (insurance, consumer law, commercial law, dispute resolution, family law and restitution), and from a rich variety perspectives (historical, jurisprudential, empirical, institutional, law-and-economics, international and comparative contracting and others). We also solicit volunteers to serve as moderators or discussants for panels that are not “pre-packaged”.Participation: We will try to accommodate as many presenters, moderators, and discussants as possible. Junior scholars and those working in non-U.S. legal systems in particular are encouraged to propose papers or panels and to volunteer to serve as discussants or moderators. Anyone wishing to attend to enjoy the conference without presenting or serving as a discussant or moderator is also welcome. There is no publication requirement for conference participants. (Experience suggests that individual papers and panels are often published elsewhere).

For details see this post on ContractsProf Blog. mw